This style of Speedy Jet nozzle is electrically actuated, but utilizes a hydraulic atomizing or standard tip. It is capable of cycling at an extremely fast rate, while maintaining it’s spray pattern uniformity and droplet size.
- Body: 316SS
- Sealing: FPM
- Internal seat: 316SS
- Internal components:- 316SS
- Guide assembly: 316SS
- Maximum allowable pressure: 230 psi
- Opening time: minimum: .005 seconds (5 ms)
- Closing time: minimum: .005 seconds (5 ms)
- Fluid temperature 32° – 265F°
- Max viscosity 3°E 22 cStokes or mm2/s
- Continuous duty ED100%
- Encapsulation material PET
- Coil insulation class F (310° F)
- Ambient temperature: -14°F -140°F
- Protection degree IP67 (EN60529) with plug micro-connectors (cable 5mt)
- Electrical connections DIN 46340 – 3 micro poles connectors
- Voltage 24VDC (+10% -5%)
• Capable of cycling at extremely high speeds, up to 6000 cycles per minute.
• The Speedy Jet control (PWM) system provides very precise control of the flow rate and cycle times.
• The on/off times and flow rate are easily and quickly adjustable.
• Differing flow rates can be obtained by utilizing different size air atomizing set-ups.
• Lower flow rates can be achieved by increasing the number of cycles per second or minute.
• Minimizes misting of the liquid being sprayed, reducing possible health risks for employees. also allows less use of product and therefore an economic saving.
• Quick on/off capability allows minimal liquid waste. Additionally, it is easy to change spray volumes for varying sized production runs, which also minimizes liquid waste.